If your company is a company active in the energy sector, including energy generation and/or energy distribution, and/or in a complementary sector as defined in the list of eligible sectors (the bold text will be bold and hyperlink to the list of eligible sectors), you are eligible to apply for an award. The company can be privately or publicly owned or a Social Enterprise. A minimum size of the company is required when you apply for an award.
If you are a Non-governmental organization (NGO) or a civil society organizations (CSO) that is advocating for women’s and/or minority communities’ rights in the energy sector, you are also eligible to apply for the “Initiatives” award category.
Check the eligibility criteria based on your company size (link to eligible organizations)
To understand more about the process and get inspiration on what you can apply for, register to participate in a workshop based on your company size. After attending the workshop, you will complete the application form and send it to awards@energyforequality.com.
There are four categories of awards:
Policies: This category recognizes companies’ efforts to design, implement and monitor the compliance of gender equality–related policies. Policies are formal documents, approved by the organization’s leadership. Their implementation of the policy is verified to make sure policies are actively practiced, and their relevance is evaluated to ensure the policy is current and serving its desired purpose.
Projects: This category recognizes companies’ tangible successful projects that involve the provision of hardware, equipment, construction, or provision of physical facilities that advance gender equality in the workplace.
Initiatives: This category recognizes companies’ successful programs that can advance gender equality through training, internships, mentorship, networking, scholarships, and other initiatives but do not involve physical facilities, hardware, or equipment.
Innovation: This category aims to recognize activities that are not included in the three above categories and that bring to the sector an advancement or achievement that has not been previously observed.
After you send a complete application form through our email address awards@energyforequality.com, our team will review your application. If all necessary information is in place, your application will be reviewed by Awards jury for a potential award. No matter if your application is successful or not, you will receive an email confirming the jury’s decision. If you are a winner or short listened, you will be invited to attend the Awards Event and share the success with other stakeholders in the energy and complementary sectors. Moreover, you will benefit free promotion throughout the year and “The Best Companies for Women” Awards seal to display as per your preference.
Participating in the Energy for Equality Awards is not just an opportunity; it’s a vital step towards enhancing gender equality within the energy sector. By applying for an award, you become active agent of change, championing workforce diversity and inclusivity in Kosovo.
There are numerous tangible benefits to be gained from your participation. Firstly, applying for an Award elevates your company’s reputation. You will benefit from our promotional campaigns to position you as an ‘employer of choice for women’. This translates into increased attractiveness to top talent, facilitating both recruitment and retention efforts. Moreover, a more balanced gender representation within your organization translates into higher Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) scores. Additionally, awardees often experience improved organizational performance, gaining from the diverse perspectives and skills that women bring to the table.
When your company has implemented activities across multiple categories, it presents an excellent opportunity to showcase your commitment to gender equality from various angles. In this the case, you’re encouraged to apply for more categories. If, for instance, your initiatives involve both establishing policies and providing training on gender equality, you could submit applications for the “National Trophy of Gender Equality in Policy” and the “National Trophy of Gender Equality in Initiatives.” Additionally, if your training programs incorporate innovative elements, you’re eligible to apply for the “National Trophy of Gender Equality in Innovation”, as well. This approach increases your chances of recognition across a spectrum of achievements.
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