Women in Energy Grant is a grants program supporting organizations active in the energy and complementary sectors in undertaking workplace changes intended to foster a more inclusive environment for employment, retention, and advancement of women in all their diversity. We believe in the power of diversity and are committed to fostering environments where women can thrive in their careers.
The outcomes we seek to achieve include:
Increased Implementation of Gender-Friendly Working Environments: We work closely with participating companies to implement different policies, practices, and programs that address barriers to women’s advancement and create opportunities for their professional growth.
Institutionalization of Gender-Friendly Practices: Our long-term strategy involves supporting businesses and companies in adopting sustainable gender-friendly practices. By providing in-house financing and resources, we empower organizations to become self-sufficient employers of choice for women and women from minority communities.
We believe that by investing in the empowerment of women in the energy and complementary sectors, we not only create more equitable workplaces but also drive innovation and success in the broader economy.
Join us in our mission to build a more inclusive future for women in energy and complementary sectors. Together, we can create lasting change and opportunities for women of all backgrounds to thrive in their careers.
To achieve sustainability of the Energy for Equality Grant, all applicant companies should participate in mandatory FREE training workshops in gender self-assessment and action planning as part of the application process.
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