Could you please clarify whether editorial production, including text-based and multimedia content, is eligible for funding under this call? As a media organization focused on gender equality and women empowerment, we specialize in editorial production and would be interested to apply either for Advocacy activities (promoting role models) or Gender sensitivity and inclusivity campaigns initiatives. - Energy for Equality

Could you please clarify whether editorial production, including text-based and multimedia content, is eligible for funding under this call? As a media organization focused on gender equality and women empowerment, we specialize in editorial production and would be interested to apply either for Advocacy activities (promoting role models) or Gender sensitivity and inclusivity campaigns initiatives.

If the entity is a micro, small or medium company in the media sector, it is not eligible.

If the entity is a CSO/NGO active in advocating for women and minority groups’ participation in the workforce of energy and adjacent sectors, it is eligible. The entity should review the NOFO section on Illustrative Interventions prior to applying.

Please refer to Page 14 (‘Section III- Eligible Institutions’) of the NOFO for detailed eligibility criteria.