Annex 1 of the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) contains the list of energy sector and energy-adjacent sector activities, which includes “Other information technology and computer service activities.”
However, if your entity is not involved in Energy or adjacent sectors, you are likely not eligible for Energy for Equality grants funding.
If your entity is involved in, for example, developing Power/Energy related software used for utilities billing, planning and distribution, or other information technology and computer service activities contributing to the E4E grant program objective, your entity may be eligible.
Please refer to Page 14 (‘Section III- Eligible Institutions’) of the NOFO for detailed eligibility criteria. Additional information is available at:
All entities that ARE eligible to apply must be:
This funding opportunity is being offered to three tiers. The Eligibility Criteria for each tier are as follows:
Tier 1, Micro and Small Companies:
Tier 2, Medium Companies:
Tier 4, CSOs:
Please refer to Page 14 (‘Section III- Eligible Institutions’) of the NOFO for detailed eligibility criteria.
The deadline for submission of Concept Note is November 29, 2024 at noon CET via email to Based on this, you can submit your Concept Note when ready on/before this deadline.
Please refer to Page 18 (‘4.2- Proposed Timeline’) of the NOFO for more information.
*The new deadline for submitting Concept Notes is December 16, 13:00 PM CET.
Learn more here
If the entity is a micro, small or medium company in the media sector, it is not eligible.
If the entity is a CSO/NGO active in advocating for women and minority groups’ participation in the workforce of energy and adjacent sectors, it is eligible. The entity should review the NOFO section on Illustrative Interventions prior to applying.
Please refer to Page 14 (‘Section III- Eligible Institutions’) of the NOFO for detailed eligibility criteria.
The deadline for submission of Concept Note is November 29, 2024 at noon CET via email to
Depending on which Tier your entity belongs to, you must complete the correct application form for your Tier. All forms are available at Please take note of the additional appendices to be attached to complete your application.
Full application details can be found at:
*The new deadline for submitting Concept Notes is December 16, 13:00 PM CET.
Learn more here
Please refer to the response to Question 2.
These grants aim to increase women’s representation in the energy and adjacent sectors.
Please also refer to Page 12 (‘Section II – Program Description and Sub-section 2.4 – Illustrative Interventions’) to examine the kinds of interested measures for funding.
Please also refer to Page 14 (‘Section III- Eligible Institutions’) of the NOFO for detailed eligibility criteria.
These grants aim to increase women’s representation in the energy and adjacent sectors.
If proposers represent a company in the energy or adjacent sectors, Energy for Equality grants are intended to support internal workforce development.
If proposers represent CSOs, Energy for Equality grants are intended to support the organization’s current or future programming that contributes to increased representation of women in the energy sector.
Please also refer to Page 12 (‘Section II – Program Description and Sub-section 2.4 – Illustrative Interventions’) to examine the kinds of interested measures for funding.
Please also refer to Page 14 (‘Section III- Eligible Institutions’) of the NOFO for detailed eligibility criteria.
Individuals are not eligible for Energy for Equality grants funding.
Please refer to Page 14 (‘Section III- Eligible Institutions’) of the NOFO for detailed eligibility criteria.
Please also refer to the table on Page 15 of the NOFO containing the minimum number of employees for eligibility.
There are no limitations to the number of measures which you can select, but the expectation is that you are realistic and select the measures across different categories that are relevant for the Concept Idea you may have and that are aligned with the budget that you will be requesting.
If you are a company, you can find examples of measures in Section 2.4 of the NOFO, across three types of measures.
For proposers representing CSOs, the types of measures that can be applied for are limited to initiatives. CSOs will not be eligible for measures in policies or projects.
The amounts presented in the NOFO are the maximum amounts that can be granted by the MCA-Kosovo for different Tiers. For example: A small company can apply with a Concept Note in the amount of €28,889 (of which at maximum €26,000 (90%) are requested by MCA-Kosovo and at minimum €2,889 (10%) are cost-shared by the company)
The Energy for Equality grants have a specific goal to support the implementation of gender equitable workplace policies, projects, and initiatives within grantee companies in the energy and adjacent sectors, and to support CSOs who are actively advocating for women’s representation in the energy sector and/or workplace.
At the Concept Note stage, applicants do not need to submit a detailed budget, only a high-level total estimated budget figure, separated into two figures representing the MCA-Kosovo funded amount and the cost-share amount.
Proposers can calculate these figures by creating an internal budget listing estimated costs to implement their proposed activity, and then calculating the cost-share amount and percentage.
Each box represents one specific activity/category.
The requirement is for total number of employees as of 2023, evidenced by the application’s submission of supporting documentation (Appendix 3: “Proof of employee numbers (one year extract from the Tax Administration of Kosovo)”)
Employee count from other years will not be considered.
Tiers 1 and 2 are designed for companies in the energy sector or adjacent sector. Tier 4 is designed for civil society organizations which should be active in advocating for women and minority groups’ participation in the workforce or in the energy sector.
You should assess if the University you represent fits within any of the Tiers (and meets its requirements). For more, please refer to Page 14 (‘Section III- Eligible Institutions’) of the NOFO for detailed eligibility criteria.
Lessons learned from this round of grants will inform the Energy for Equality Grant Program for future rounds of grants, which may also include changes to the criteria or other aspects of the program. However, at this stage, it is still early to know if anything may be changed in future rounds of grants.
If your NGO is active in advocating for women and minority groups’ participation in the workforce or in the energy sector, or if this advocacy is clearly part of the mission of your organization, then yes, it would be eligible to apply.
As part of the Concept Note template, you are asked to summarize your entity’s past experience that can qualify you as meeting the above-mentioned requirements.
Annex 1 of the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) contains the list of energy sector and energy-adjacent sector activities, which includes “Other information technology and computer service activities.”
However, if your entity is not involved in Energy or adjacent sectors, you are likely not eligible for Energy for Equality grants funding.
If your entity is involved in, for example, developing Power/Energy related software used for utilities billing, planning and distribution, or other information technology and computer service activities contributing to the E4E grant program objective, your entity may be eligible.
Please refer to Page 14 (‘Section III- Eligible Institutions’) of the NOFO for detailed eligibility criteria. Additional information is available at:
The presentation will be provided to all registered participants of the two information sessions held on November 13 and 14, 2024. It will also be posted on the website:
The term “participant companies” on Page 10 of the NOFO is intended to represent all companies that by the end of the Compact will benefit from the IESW Activity under the JETA project. “Participant” is added for internal MCA-K Monitoring & Evaluation purposes. It DOES NOT represent a list or a group of companies that are in any database or pool or roster of MCA-Kosovo.
Please note that at the Concept Note phase, applicants are only required to propose a ‘high-level budget amount’. A detailed budget will be required later in the Full Application phase. More details on the budget and cost eligibility will be provided to entities successfully passing to the Full Application phase.
Costs included in the budget at the full application phase are expected to be reasonable, allowable, and allocable. While there is no set cap for labor, applicants should cost their budget accurately to achieve the goals of the proposed grant activity.
More details on eligible cost share contributions will be shared with applicants successfully passing the Concept Note phase in cycle to the Full Application phase.
The Energy for Equality Program is designed to support girls and women at various stages of their professional journey, including entry-level professionals, women re-entering the workforce, and those aiming for leadership roles within the energy sector. Therefore, grant applicants in their concept note can propose participants, in this case trainees, of all ages.
Combining measures is encouraged, and especially if they also complement each other and address the needs of your entity (or in the case of CSOs address the needs in the market).
For this call, collaboration between two organizations is not foreseen. Each organization can apply as an individual applicant.
These grants aim to increase women’s representation in the energy and adjacent sectors.
Please also refer to Page 12 (‘Section II – Program Description and Sub-section 2.4 – Illustrative Interventions’) to examine the kinds of interested measures for funding.
Please also refer to Page 14 (‘Section III- Eligible Institutions’) of the NOFO for detailed eligibility criteria.
Please note that companies that work on Energy Efficiency are eligible as part of the main Eligibility Criteria (which you can find on Page 15 of the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) document). Additionally, Annex 1 of the NOFO contains the list of energy sector and energy-adjacent sector activities, which also includes “Distribution and Installation of Energy Efficiency Products.”